There’s No Shame in Feeling the Pandemic Crush

Author: BNA  |  Date: May 21, 2020

We’ve all had time to try and adjust to our new, temporary lifestyles under the COVID-19 lockdown. Even with restrictions lifting in the coming weeks, many Albertans have found themselves with a reduced, or eliminated income. Federal relief funds are going a long way to help Canadians stretch their budgets out, however the BNA Debt Solutions team knows that far too many hard working families feel as though they are running out of time and resources when it comes to paying their bills.

There’s No Shame in Asking for Help

Time and time again we urge our friends, clients and family to realize that there is no shame in debt troubles and insolvency, and that rings doubly true during the COVID-19 crisis.

Shame is “the intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging – something we’ve experienced, done, or failed to do makes us unworthy of connection” – Brene Brown

During this global crisis we are experiencing a collective trauma. Nothing that is happening has been due to our own actions or failures. By feeling shame about what has happened we can fall into a cycle of believing that this is our fault and thus we are bad and undeserving. When it comes to a financial tragedy that just isn’t the case. By reaching out and asking for help, you are taking your power back and looking for solutions and making positive steps to take control of an out of control situation. By talking to trusted friends and family as well as a debt professional it can be a relief to know that many others are in the same situation.

Let’s set the record straight: hundreds of thousands of Canadians and likely several of your friends and neighbors are in the same position as you. Realize that this crisis, and the related economic fallout across Alberta, has created a “shared experience” so to speak. You are not alone, and your situation is likely not as unique as you think it might be. Stepping out of the veil of fear and shame is the first step towards getting your finances back on track.

Our Team is Here to Listen

One of the most common things we hear around the BNA Debt Solutions office is: “If only I had the courage to do this years ago!”. We will help you and walk with you on this journey to take control and positive steps towards your finances and the most important first thing we want to do when we start working with you is to listen. The feelings of guilt, shame, anxiety and depression are all completely normal to be feeling right now, and there’s no need to feel embarrassed.

Our team prides themselves on creating a kind, caring and non-judgemental experience. We understand that many people in Calgary and Edmonton are experiencing serious credit problems due to the COVID-19 crisis, and we want to help you by getting you moving on the path to financial freedom. You have nothing to lose (except the crushing debt weighing you down) and everything to gain.

Helping You During the Lockdown

At BNA we are temporarily able to do 100% of our meetings via video conference and voice calls. That means you don’t have to leave the safety of your home to travel to our office, keeping both you and our staff safe. Taking the first step is as simple as picking up the phone, or sending us an email.

Over the course of the COVID-19 crisis, we‘ve all been inundated with all kinds of social media posts about bettering ourselves, learning a new skill or taking on a new challenge. Why not use this time to give you and your family a gift that really keeps on giving: a debt free lifestyle, free from creditors. We’re ready to help you take the first step.